Monday, June 27, 2011

Jetvac Junior is launched

Another product line launched - Jetvac Junior -  the latest innovation on Jetvac steam vacuum range of Duplex featuring a powerful 6 Bars of steam pressure with steam  injection that makes cleaning more effective and fast; equipped with vacuum motor leaving surfaces clean and dry. Jetvac Junior is a compact steam machine ideal for automotive, food processing plants and other industries.

New Duplex 280 is launched

Duplex Singapore is pleased now that a new product - Duplex 280 – is launched since April 2011. It’s a new floor scrubber designed for small commercial or domestic use that provides a complete cleaning solution. It is a compact floor cleaning machine that deep cleans all floor surfaces such as tiles and carpets with an inbuilt trolley for easy transport and its ease of use. Ideal for domestic cleaning  solutions. For more info, visit Duplex Singapore website